dinsdag 17 september 2024

Informal Summit of German Speaking Countries 2024

The "informelle Gipfel der Staatschefs der deutschsprachigen Länder 2024" takes place in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg this year, for its 20th editon, with Grand Duke Henri & Grand Duchess Maria Teresa as hosts.

16 September 2024

Welcome reception at Schloss Berg.

In the library.

Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier & Elke Büdenbender, King Philippe & Queen Mathilde of the Belgians, Grand duke & Grand duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince Alois & Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein, President of the Swiss Confederation,Viola Amherd.

Because of the heavy floodings in Austria right now, President Alexander van der Bellen was not present at the summit.

In the evening there was a cello recital by André Mergenthaler, followed by dinner. 

17 September 2024 

The heads of state & their spouses had a work meeting at the Universté de Luxembourg at Esch-Belval, where disinformation and fake news were discussed.

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