woensdag 4 september 2024

Royal Titbits #6

Recently Nicolas Janssen posted this picture on instagram of him and his wife Hélène, on holiday in Berchtesgaden Germany, as a support for her acting job and as a reminder that the local elections are coming. Nicolas is an MR politician.

In early summer Hélène & Nicolas were guests at a charity gala for Cœur-aCCord, hosted at the Ecole Européenne de Bruxelles which is housed at the Château d'Argenteuil and is run by Prince Félix de Merode. 

Félix & Eleonora de Merode

Among the guests were also Mathilde's brother and his wife, Count Charles-Henri & Countess Caroline d'Udekem, and Count Jehan de Lannoy.

Mathilde's lady-in-waiting, Clotilde Boël was seen at the award ceremony of the Prix Vocatio in Brussels, on 13 June 2024, together with her husband Harold Boël and Mathilde's friends, the couple Marie-Laure Jonet & Christophe Thibault de Maisières.

Did Clotilde & Mathilde go through some closets together? This same dress was seen on Belgium's Queen 10 years ago.

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