maandag 16 september 2024

Informal Summit of German Speaking Countries 2024

The "informelle Gipfel der Staatschefs der deutschsprachigen Länder 2024" takes place in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg this year, for its 20th editon, with Grand Duke Henri & Grand Duchess Maria Teresa as hosts.

16 September 2024

Welcome reception at Schloss Berg.

Because of the heavy floodings in Austria right now, President Alexander van der Bellen was not present at the summit.

Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier & Elke Büdenbender, King Philippe & Queen Mathilde of the Belgians, Grand duke & Grand duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince Alois & Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein, President of the Swiss Confederation,Viola Amherd.

17 September 2024 

at the Universté de Luxembourg at Esch-Belval. 

The Engagement

Monday 13 September 1999

The couple surprised the press by walking towards them and briefly answering questions.

When Mathilde was asked what had attracted her in the prince, she answered: "his profoundness". Would she continue her work as a speech therapist? "I don't think so". How will your life as a princess be? Mathilde: "I don't know yet, we'll have to wait and see". Doesn't the prospect of royal life scare you? "I'm sure Philippe will help me".

After having answered briefly to questions in French and Dutch, Mathilde also launched a "Ciao a tutti" to the Italian press, stumbling a bit over her words.

Philippe insisted on telling the press that their love had developed naturally. No-one had set them up. When he met Mathilde, he knew she was the one. The time was right. One of the journalists even asked if it was a marriage of love. "Yes!" How did you meet? To this the crown prince answered: "We'd like to keep that to ourselves. But no-one introduced us".

Then there was a short reception where the press was asked to turn their microphones off.

zondag 15 september 2024

Flashback: First Mention of Mathilde

After having known each other for 3 years, Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium and Mathilde d'Udekem d'Acoz got (privately) engaged. The engagement became public when the press got hold of it ... 

9 September 1999

Journalist Karel Moors of Het Belang van Limburg had taken up the rumor that Crown Prince Philippe (39) was about to become engaged to "one of the three marriageable daughters" of esquire Patrick d'Udekem d'Acoz and Countess Anne Marie Komorowska who lived in the castle of Losange in Villers-la-Bonne-Eau, a small village near Bastogne. Moors: “The d'Udekem family laughed off the rumors. But other sources indicated that one of the sisters was indeed the prince's secret love, one person pointed to Mathilde (26). The palace press office would neither confirm nor deny the news, a very unusual reaction.”

On September 9, the article about the “engagement rumors” appeared in the paper. 

10 September 1999

 The official announcement was made on Friday 10 September 1999.

Mathilde was a complete stranger to the press and the country, Saturday newspapers had only been able to get hold of a few blurry pictures of the woman in question.

The TV news of 10/09/1999 was dedicated to Mathilde.

A few days later a man sold this picture to Belgian newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws. It was taken a few weeks earlier on Cuba, where the Belgian tourist had recognized the Prince with an unknown young lady. Philippe had approached him and asked him not to share the photos, which he did, until the engagement was announced.

vrijdag 13 september 2024

Session LEAD 2024

12 September 2024

Queen Mathilde visited Session LEAD 2024, a 5-day catholic conference for young people between the ages of 20 and 30. This was its 10th edition.

The students & young professionals attend lectures by politicians, CEOs or inspirational persons from another field, they take part in workshops on humane and spiritual topics and they attend mass. 

Mathilde visited during one of the five days, at their location, the former abby of Corsendonk in Oud-Turnhout.

This visit was only announced a day after the visit and no photos were released. Catholic church has had a lot of bad rep these past years because of child abuse by members of the church. Mathilde is a devout practicing catholic, but has always kept this part of her life completely private. 

donderdag 12 september 2024

Trainee Diplomats

11 September 2024

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde received 51 trainee diplomats who will soon be leaving Belgium on their first mission abroad, representing their country and helping local Belgians.

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