dinsdag 20 augustus 2024

Gabriel Turns 21 Today + Erasmus in France

20 August 2024

Happy birthday to Prince Gabriel who turns 21 today! 

Court released this new picture of the Prince, taken by Vlad Vanderkelen.

And this one, by Loan Silvestre of the ERM. 

With it came the announcement that Gabriel will be an Erasmus exchange student for 5 months, starting this August.

Gabriel will be incorporating the Académie militaire de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan in Bretagne, France. This very respected institution forms officers of the ground force. The prince will be studying geopolitics in English. 

We were also informed that Gabriel has taken part in the ERM's annual Summer Camp in Leopoldsburg in July. Some curriculum the students of the Military Academy have! 

This means that for the rest of the year, Eléonore will be the only one of Philippe & Mathilde's children still living at home with her parents. Elisabeth will move to Harvard in the US, Emmanuel will spend at least a year abroad and Gabriel will be off to France until early 2025. 

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