donderdag 29 augustus 2024

Recap: Back to School

All four of Philippe & Mathilde's children started their schooling at the Dutch speaking Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege in Brussels. First of September meant the first day of the schoolyear, and the only day press was allowed at the schoolgates.

1 September 2004

Elisabeth's very first day of school.


1 September 2006

1 September 2007

1 September 2008

2 September 2009

1 September 2010

1 September 2011

Eléonore's first day at school.

3 September 2012

2 September 2013

maandag 26 augustus 2024

Flashback: Athens Olympics 2004

27 August 2004

Watching the horse jumping trials.

29 August 2004

Reception with the Belgian athletes at the Belgian embassy.

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