woensdag 2 augustus 2023

Entourage: Anouchka de Bellefroid

For their most recent bigger events, both Queen Mathilde, Princess Elisabeth and Princess Eléonore have been turning to Anouchka de Bellefroid to perfect their look.

This Belgian make-up artist has posted about her services to the royal ladies on her instagram.

Born as Anne de Bellefroid d'Oudoumont, she a member of Belgian aristocracy. Anne, or Anouchka as she is generally called, is the daughter of Marc de Bellefroid d'Oudoumont & Béatrice Dumont de Chassart. She's married to Vincent de Lange, the couple have three daughters: yoga teacher Alexandra de Lange, lawyer Blandine de Lange and RTBF TV presenter Amélie de Lange. 

Mrs de Bellefroid looks back on a successful 15 year career, using Chanel products to enhance her clients' looks for weddings, photo shoots and and other occasions. She has a Brussels make up studio but also works at private locations.

She's both at home in the media, having worked for RTBF and other media and in Brussels high society. 

She started her professional life as a model, and later as a booker for models, before following make up courses and switching to a successful new path in life.

Anoucha also did Tatiana de Nicolaÿ's make up on her wedding day...

...  And the make up for bride Charlotte Boël, and her sister Agnès Boël, daughters of Mathilde's lady-in-waiting Clotilde Boël.

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