zaterdag 19 mei 2018

UNICEF + De Warande

14 May 2018

Queen Mathilde had a meeting with Geert Cappelaere, Regional Director of UNICEF for the Middle East and North Africa. They talked extensively about the worrisome condition of the children in these regions.

Queen Mathilde is the Honorary President of UNICEF Belgium. She published this message:

"It's a heartbreaking fact that every day so many children have the right to a good, safe and happy childhood taken from them. The protection of children has to remain a priority. Children have to be protected at all times. They should get the chance to have an education, to play and to relax. Guided by the UN treaty on Children's Rights, organisations such as UNICEF work day in day out to prevent children from suffering. These efforts aren't without results. It's comforting to know that, in spite of war, conflicts and the loss of their homes, 5 million Syrian children are still being schooled. These successes must encourage us to keep striving for a world where each child belongs. None the less the challenges remain enormous. The world cannot afford a lost generation."

In the evening Mathilde visited De Warande with King Philippe.

De Warande is a Flemish networking group & venue in Brussels. It celebrates its 30 year existence.

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