dinsdag 18 juni 2024

On Track to 2030?

18 June 2024

As SDG Advocate, Queen Mathilde attended the conference "On Track to 2030? Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals in the EU", held at the National Library in Brussels.  

With EU Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni and Belgian Minister for Environment Zakia Khattabi. 

She pronounced the opening speech. 

"Success will only be possible if we pool our forces, if we strengthen partnerships between all stakeholders at all levels and in all sectors: the political world, the business community, civil society and, within this category, especially young people need to engage in meaningful decision-making because it is their world that we are shaping. We have to do this for them and with them. We carry a heavy responsibility towards our children and future generations."

"On my most recent field visits, to Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Ivory Coast, I was able to see for myself how developing countries are also building the SDGs into their development plans. To maximize the effectiveness of this, it is important that we give financial aid to such countries and also support the transfer of experience and best practice to them."

"Times are hard, yes, but we must seize the moment and all put our foot on the gas to achieve the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals in full, no ifs, no buts.
We can still build a better world for everyone: let’s not allow this unique opportunity to slip through our fingers."

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