dinsdag 7 mei 2024

Elisabeth moves on to Harvard!

7 May 2024

Court announced today that Crown Princess Elisabeth (22) will be starting at Harvard School in Boston, USA at the end of the summer, after having completed her Bachelor in Politics & History at Oxford.

Elisabeth will be doing a two years Master study in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, after having passed the entrance exams and what's more, having been selected for an Honorary Award of the Fulbright Program.

According to the official information, Fulbright "actively seeks out individuals of achievement and potential who represent the full diversity of their respective societies and selects nominees through open, merit-based competitions". It's an extra recognition of the Princess's capabilities. "Honorary award" was added in her case because Elisabeth doesn't need a grant to study at Harvard, she can afford it. 

Just like Oxford, Harvard is one of the world's leading and most prestigious universities.

Elisabeth will be sitting for exams at Oxford in May and June, her American adventure will start in August 2024. Congratulations Princess! 

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