maandag 31 oktober 2022

Residence: Ciergnon

The royal grounds in Ciergnon were bought by King Leopold I in 1840. He had a hunting lodge built on a hill, overlooking the river Lesse.

Later king Leopold II changed the lodge into a new castle, designed by architect Alphonse Balat.

In 1960 Ciergnon was the setting for the official presentation of King Baudouin's fiancée, doña Fabiola de Mora y Aragon.

In 1993 Emperor Akihito & Empress Michiko of Japan were received at Ciergnon by King Baudouin & Queen Fabiola.

Nowadays the castle is only used for private weekends and holidays.

When Albert II was king, Queen Paola undertook thorough interior renovations and skillfully redecorated the castle. She also redesigned the terrace gardens around the castle.

The use of the castle is reserved to the reigning King or Queen.

Between 2001 and 2008, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde had their 4 children baptized in the private chapel on the castle grounds.

The castle of Ciergnon is just a few kilometers from another royal residence, the castle of Fenffe.

donderdag 27 oktober 2022

Family: Engagement

The Carnet Mondain announces the engagement of Chevalier Diego van Outryve d'Ydewalle and Mademoiselle Héloïse David. 

Héloïse (°1999) is the daughter of Mathilde's first cousin, Nadine d'Udekem d'Acoz and Pierre-Alexandre David who live in Herne. Héloïse studied in Ghent and now works as a junior auditor at Deloitte in Brussels. She has two younger brothers, Clément and Victor. 

Diego's the son of Tanguy van Outryve d'Ydewalle and Christine Mouchet who run a camping site with tree cabins, Le Moulin de Lisogne near Dinant.

Diego has a younger sister, Inès and a younger brother, Dorian. He works as an enigneer at Besix. 
Diego was born in Namur and grew up in Mechelen. 

Reception for Athletes 2022

27 October 2022

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde hosted a reception at the royal palace for the Belgian athletes who won a medal at European or World championships this year. 


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woensdag 26 oktober 2022

State visit #12: Lithuania

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde made a three-day state visit to Lithuania.
The Royal Couple and their delegation visited Vilnius and Kaunas.

Monday 24 October 2022

Departure at Melsbroek Airport.

Arrival at Vilnius.

The Royal Couple is staying at Grand Hotel Kempinski.

Welcome ceremony at the Presidential Palace by President Gitanas Nausèda and First Lady Diana Nausèdiené.

Mathilde's wearing a new diamond brooch!

Visit to the Vilna Gaon Museum of Jewish History.

Wreath laying Ceremony at the Memorial to those killed in the struggle for the Lithuanian Independence.

Photo opp. 

State Dinner. 

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Meeting with Belgian and Lithuanian companies at the town hall of Vilnius.

Business Meeting "Transition to a sustainable economy".

Visit to the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology.

Visit to the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center.

Lunch at Stikliai Restaurant, hosted by the Speaker of the Seimas, Ms Viktorija Čmilyté-Nielsen.

Guided visit of the Old Town of Vilnius.

Visit of St. Michael’s Church Heritage Museum where the Royal Couple visisted the Sapieha necropolis. Mathilde's Polish grandmother, Princess Zofia Sapieha ( 1919-1997) was a member of the princely Sapieha family who were very influential and powerful in Poland and Lithuania. 

At the Biblioteca Sapiehana. It consists of a donation of ancient books and documents the Sapieha family made to the University of Vilnius.

Guided visit to the historical campus of Vilnius University and informal encounter with students.

Return event hosted by King Philippe & Queen Mathilde at the Philharmonic Institute of Vilnius. 

Wednesday 26 October 2022

Visit to the Center of Ukraine in Vilnius. Meanwhile King Philippe visited the Belgian soldiers who are part of an enhanced international batallion. 

Visit to the social restaurant Pirmas Blynas.

Private lunch.

Official welcome by the Mayor of Kaunas.

Visit to the National Čiurlionis museum. Belgian former radio presenter Kurt Van Eeghem wrote a book about the artist, and one about Lithuania. Before the state visit he was invited to the royal palace to talk with King Philippe about Čiurlionis.

Guided walk and visit to the Unity Square.

Visit to Vytautas Magnus University and a showcase of the cooperation projects between Kaunas and Kortrijk.

Informal meeting with the press, farewell ceremony and departure.


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