woensdag 27 februari 2019

Week Against Bullying 2019 + Womed Award 2019

27 February 2019

In the morning Queen Mathilde visited the Coloma primary school in Mechelen to get acquainted with the KIVA anti bullying method.

 At night, The Queen was at BEL in Brussels to award the annual Womed Award to Mieke Frijters for successfully combining a growing road works business with social entrepreneurship.

As the name suggests this is a female award, brought to life by Markant, a network of female business leaders.

Mathilde also handed out the Womed Award South to the female business leaders from "La Broma" in El Salvador.

Mathilde pronounced a speech in Dutch and in Spanish.

"De vooruitgang van vrouwen in de bedrijfswereld is evident. Maar er is nog een lange weg te gaan opdat de verantwoordelijkheden en de voordelen op alle niveaus gelijk verdeeld zouden worden tussen mannen en vrouwen, ook in de economische sector. Hoewel de omvang van de uitdagingen kan variëren, geldt die vaststelling zowel voor landen uit het Noorden als uit het Zuiden."

"In mijn hoedanigheid van Pleitbezorger van de Doelstellingen voor duurzame ontwikkeling van de Verenigde Naties heb ik van gelijke kansen tussen mannen en vrouwen één van mijn prioriteiten gemaakt."

dinsdag 26 februari 2019

Visit to the Province of Antwerp

26 February 2019

Arrival in Duffel

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde visited "De Loods" in Duffel, an arts workshop for socially & emotionally vulnerable persons.

In Lier the Royal Couple got a private tour of the beguinage. The original visit to bus manufacturer "Van Hool" in Koningshooikt had been cancelled due to a strike.

Finally Philippe & Mathilde were driven to Herentals where they visited the 15th century Lakenhal, part of the Unesco world heritage list.

maandag 25 februari 2019

World Resources Forum

25 February 2019

Queen Mathilde was in Antwerp to attend the opening of the World Resources Forum that unites international experts on circular economy.

As SDG advocate the Queen promotes sustainable production and consumerism.

She also met with young people who were attending a boot camp to find solutions to ewaste problems.

donderdag 21 februari 2019

Flashback: Visit to Hainaut

15 February 2012

On one of their provincial visits to Hainaut, Crown Prince Philippe & Queen Mathilde visited the "Tannerie Masure", a leather supplier for Louis Vuitton from Estaimbourg.

Then they were welcomed at crisis centre for child care "Les Tourelles" in Chercq.

The day ended with a guided tour ar the Tournai cathedral that was being renovated, and finally a reception at the Tournai city hall.

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