donderdag 5 december 2019

Wedding Day: Flower Arrangements

Florist Daniel Ost decorated the cathedral for Philippe & Mathilde's wedding in December 1999.

Queen Paola had chosen a non professional florist but the union of florists didn't agree and proposed Ost to do the job. This meant Daniel Ost & his team only had 18 days to start from scratch... And while Mathilde was friendly, queen Paola wasn't very cooperative and in a bad mood. Because the task was so prestigious, Ost felt he coudn't refuse but he describes it as "one of the worst experiences" of his life.

While Mathilde d'Udekem wanted red flowers, queen Paola insisted on white. Because the ladies coudn't come to an agreement, Ost put red flowers on the altar and white ones all over the cathedral.

Ost says to be particularly embarrassed about the big bouquet Mathilde carried: it wasn't his work, but the court's own gardener. The huge bouquet weighed 3,5 kilos and nearly caused the bride to topple.

Daniel & his daughter, Nele Ost still work for the royal family, he's been made an official royal warrent holder by queen Mathilde.

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