woensdag 21 augustus 2024

Private: Holidays in Yeu

Philippe & Mathilde have been spending the past few weeks at their home on the île d'Yeu, in de French Vendée region. 

King Philippe has had to fly back now and then for political meetings, as the formation of a new government is still in process. Two days ago, on 19 August, the Falcon X airplane of the Belgian military picked up Philippe in Nantes at 10:37. Less than an hour later the King arrived in Brussels, in time for his meeting with Bart De Wever at 14:00. At 16:18 the airplane took off in Brussels to bring Philippe back to France. 

The perks of a holiday home in a neighbouring country!

Mathilde's brother Charles-Henri & sister-in-law Caroline have also been spending their holidays on the island, with their 1 year old son Paul. 

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