dinsdag 28 februari 2023

Flashback: Breast Cancer

27 February 2013

Princess Mathilde hosted a round table on breast cancer at the Royal Palace in Brussels.
Among those present were board members and staff of Mathilde's patronage Breast International Group (BIG), including former breast cancer patients.

zondag 26 februari 2023

Lincoln College Boat Club

22-25 February 2023

Crown Princess Elisabeth (21) has joined the Lincoln College Boat Club of Oxford University.

In these photos we can see Elisabeth & her team preparing for rowing competitions, which are quite a thing in Oxford and Cambridge. 

The Boat Club participated in the Torpids Race, the biggest event of the Oxford Rowing calendar. It's held yearly over the course of 4 days. 

Elisabeth joined up for the race as "Elisabeth de Saxe-Cobourg". She's rower 6 in a boat of 9 ladies. 

zaterdag 25 februari 2023

Flashback: European Commission

25 February 2015

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde made a visit to the European Commission.

Mathilde had hurt her knee during a skiing holiday.

woensdag 22 februari 2023

Another Goddaughter

February 2023

In Belgium, when a family has seven sons in a row, they can ask the King to become godfather of their seventh son. Likewise, the Queen can become godmother of a seventh daughter if this is the family's wish.

This tradition dates back to the 19th century. It's not clear (to me) when it was started, but Queen Marie Henriette already practiced the custom.

Queen Mathilde has accepted to become godmother to another baby girl, from Molenbeek this time.

Catherine Moureaux, mayor of Molenbeek, Brussels posted this on her facebook.

"J'ai eu l'immense chance d'accueillir dans notre maison communale non pas 1 mais 2 filleuls du Roi Philippe et de la Reine Mathilde.  Ces 2 familles molenbeekoises ont eu l'honneur d'avoir comme parrain et marraine le Roi et la Reine 🖤💛❤️ car c’est un privilège accordé au 7ième enfant du même sexe d’un couple ! "

Court has confirmed this little girl is Mathilde's 13th goddaughter when it comes to this tradition. 
Likewise, King Philippe has 7 godsons. 

dinsdag 21 februari 2023

Flashback: Norwegian State Visit to Belgium

20 May 2003

Crown Prince Philippe & Princess Mathilde welcomed Norwegian King Harald & Queen Sonja at the airport. King Harald & King Albert II are first cousins, their mothers were sisters.

Mathilde was 6 months into her second pregnancy.

Welcome ceremony at the Place des palais in Brussels.

Gala dinner at Laeken Castle.

21 May 2001

vrijdag 17 februari 2023

Mass for Deceased Family Members 2023

17 February 2023

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde attended the annual mass in memory of the deceased members of the Belgian royal family.

They were joined by former King Albert II & former Queen Paola, Prince Laurent & Princess Claire, Princess Delphine & Jim O'Hare, Princess Léa and Prince Guillaume & Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg at the Notre Dame de Laeken church. 

After the mass the royal family took the time to greet the public waiting outside the church.

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