29 October 2020
Queen Mathilde had virtual conversations with the winners of the Baillet-Latour Award.
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29 October 2020
Queen Mathilde had virtual conversations with the winners of the Baillet-Latour Award.
28 October 2020
As SDG advocate for the United Nations, Queen Mathilde gave the (virtual) opening address at the SDG Forum 2020.
Mathilde's message in Dutch, French and English was recorded at her home, the Castle of Laeken.
" De Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen van de Verenigde Naties werden vijf jaar geleden unaniem aanvaard. Tegen 2030 zouden ze gerealiseerd moeten zijn. Maar zelfs vóór de uitbraak van de wereldwijde COVID-crisis, verliep de geboekte vooruitgang van een aantal doelstellingen ongelijk en zaten sommige doelstellingen zelfs niet op schema.
Aujourd’hui, notamment en raison de la pandémie, c’est le sentiment d’urgence qui semble s’être perdu. Nous devons le ranimer.
We need a new narrative. We have to involve young people, with their energy and creativity. We have to educate children to play their role as concerned citizens of tomorrow."
"The most vulnerable have been hit disproportionately - the most destitute, women and girls, people with a handicap or with mental issues."
"I am pleased to be able to address your virtual assembly. Today, we need people who are capable of looking beyond the horizon in a variety of ways. People who are willing to think, to exchange knowledge and to work together in order to accelerate progress towards the SDGs, for the wellbeing of the people and our planet."
A VRT documentary wasbroadcast in 1999 on the occasion of the engagement of Crown Prince Philippe & Mathilde d'Udekem d'Acoz.
The documentary starts with a visit to Mathilde's home town of Villers-la-Bonne-Eau, a hamlet with a castle (Mathilde's home), a church, a few houses, forests and fields.
The villagers talk about having seen Mathilde & Philippe together: "We saw them walking together here in town". The parish priest: "Everyone knows each other here, I've baptized all the d'Udekem children, they've had their confirmation here. I know them very well".
A journalist asks Mathilde's father, Patrick d'Udekem whether his life will change as well. Patrick: "That'll depend on you! On the journalists... I'm 63 years old, I won't change anymore. Me and my family will always be the same."
23 October 2020
Queen Mathilde visited the exhibition "Memling Now: Hans Memling's Influence on Contemporary Art" at Sint-Janshospitaal in Bruges.
video: https://focus-wtv.be/cultuur/koningin-bezoekt-memling-now-brugge
22 October 2020
Queen Mathilde visited the food bank of the province of Liège.
After a guided tour of the premises, the Queen was informed about how the pandemic has worsened the situation of many and how social structures have crumbled, increasing poverty and the need for help from food banks.
Afterwards she also visited the charity association "Accueil et Partage" in Bas-Ougrée (Seraing) that fights social exclusion.
Each participant presented their priorities for learning recovery in the aftermath of the pandemic.