zaterdag 27 april 2019

Mathilde Lends her Support to Télévie

27 April 2019

TV chain RTL-TVi asked Queen Mathilde to participate in their annual cancer charity.

Mathilde accepted by making a private visit, on 4 April 2019, to the CHU hospital in Liège where she met breast cancer patients, researchers, doctors and nursing staff.

The complete report was shown in the TV show.

vrijdag 26 april 2019

Crown Princess Elisabeth at Brussels Fire Training

26 April 2019

King Philippe and Crown Princess Elisabeth (17) visited the training centre of the Brussels Fire Brigade.

Elisabeth is on her Easter break from the UAC in Wales.

The King & his eldest daughter saw some demos of interventions and Elisabeth showed she knows how to place a tourniquet.

She also got to test a hose.

⁣ ⁣ Spectaculaire demonstraties in het opleidingscentrum van de Brusselse brandweer. Demonstraties maken deel uit van de voortgezette vorming van de brandweer en illustreert de veelzijdigheid van dit bijzondere en heldhaftige beroep.⁣ —————⁣ Visite du Centre de formation des pompiers de Bruxelles et aperçu des différents aspects de la formation de base et avancée des pompiers à l’aide de plusieurs démonstrations. Un échange avec les étudiants et les instructeurs a permis d’aborder les différentes facettes du métier de pompier ainsi que leurs motivations et leurs défis.⁣ —————⁣ Spectacular demonstrations in the training center of the Brussels fire brigade. Demonstrations are part of the continued training of the fire brigade and illustrate the versatility of this unique and heroic profession.⁣ ⁣ #Brandweer #Pompiers #Firefighters #FireBrigade #Brussel #Bruxelles #Brussels #BelgianRoyalPalace #MonarchieBe⁣ ⁣ 📸 Belga
Een bericht gedeeld door Belgian Royal Palace (@belgianroyalpalace) op

The Crown Princess asked the firemen if there were many women on the force, and how they, as firemen, had experienced the Notre Dame fire.


Baillet Latour 2019

25 April 2019

Queen Mathilde handed out the Bailler Latour Award for Medicine at the Palais des Académies in Brussels.

Belgium's most important prize in medicine went to Cathérine Boileau for her work on "bad cholesterol".

The research grant of € 450.000 was given to professor Julie De Backer for her team's research into genetic defects of the thoracic aorta.

woensdag 24 april 2019

Last Respects

23 April 2019

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde made a private visit to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to pay their respects to Philippe's uncle, Grand Duke Jean, who died earlier in the day.

Princess Astrid & former King Albert II did the same.

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donderdag 18 april 2019

Holidays: Semana Santa 2019 around Burgos

Mathilde, Philippe and their children (minus Elisabeth) are spending part of the Easter holidays in Spain, walking the Santiago trail.

Just like in 2017 and 2018 the family and their friends are making daily hikes, completing part of the famous camino during the Semana Santa. As always they are also accompanied by bodyguards.

This year they are walking from Burgos to Palencia, starting on 17 April.

18 April 2018

woensdag 17 april 2019

Postponed: Incoming State Visit #7

UPDATE: President Macri has postponed this visit to a later date, due to the precarious economical situation in Argentina. 

29-30 April 2019

Responding to the invitation of the king & queen of the Belgians, Mauricio Macri, president of Argentina, and his wife Juliana Awada will make a state visit to Belgium.

King Philippe & queen Mathilde with the Argentinian presidential couple in 2016.

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