A recent photo of Elisabeth, taken by a classmate at college in Wales.
vrijdag 26 oktober 2018
donderdag 25 oktober 2018
17 Years Old
25 October 2018
Crown Princess Elisabeth celebrates her birthday today, she turns 17.
Court released a new picture of the Princess, taken during a photo shoot in July 2018.
Elisabeth has been in Wales these past months, where she's a boarder at the United Atlantic College. She'll be returning to Belgium this weekend for the autumn holidays. Mathilde told journalists in Porto yesterday she was feeling nervous and excited to see her daughter again after 9 weeks.
Crown Princess Elisabeth celebrates her birthday today, she turns 17.
Court released a new picture of the Princess, taken during a photo shoot in July 2018.
De jarige prinses Elisabeth (17) keert in de herfstvakantie voor het eerst in negen weken terug naar België. Mama Mathilde, die de voorbije dagen met koning Filip op staatsbezoek in Portugal was, vertrouwde ons gisteren in Porto toe best zenuwachtig te zijn voor het weerzien. pic.twitter.com/ptTlziuj9m— [Wim Dehandschutter] (@WDehandschutter) 25 oktober 2018
maandag 22 oktober 2018
State Visit #8: Portugal
Monday 22 October 2018
8:00 Departure from Melsbroek Airport.
11:20 Wreath laying ceremony at the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos followed by a visit of the monastery and signing the book of honour.
🇵🇹🇧🇪 Koning Filip sluit even de ogen.— [Wim Dehandschutter] (@WDehandschutter) 22 oktober 2018
Bij de graftombe van Portugals grootste dichter Luís de Camões (1524-1580) in het Mosteiro dos Jerónimos (Hiëronymietenklooster) in Lissabon. #BelPort2018 pic.twitter.com/ZJoFD3wwnX
11:45 Official welcome at Palácio de Belém.
Exchange of gifts.
Tête à tête with the president.
12:50 Lunch hosted by PM António Costa at Palacio Foz.
14:40 Visit to Parliament.
15:40 Ceremony and Meet & Greet at the Câmara Municipal de Lisboa.
17:20 Wreath laying ceremony at the WWI Monumento aos Mortos da Grande Guerra.
20:00 State dinner at the Palácio Nacional da Ajuda.
The Duke & Duchess of Bragança.
Duchess Diana de Cadaval & husband Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans (who used to date Mathilde's sister Elisabeth d'Udekem in the early 2000s)
Leaving the hotel with lady-in-waiting Melissa Maas.
on the right: Belgian ambassador in Lisbon Genevière Renaux, a former economic advisor of King Philippe.
video: https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2018/10/22/koning-filip-ik-heb-zelf-portugees-bloed-in-mijn-aderen/
video of the president's speech: http://www.presidencia.pt/?idc=10&idi=154232
The King & Queen, as well as the rest of the delegation were staying at the Tivoli Avenida Liberdade Hotel.
Tuesday 23 October 2018
9:20 Visit to the Oceano Azul Foundation & Oceanarium. The Belgian delegation got a tour and was informed about ecological solutions and water sanitation.
10:40 Visit to oncological clinic and research centre Fundaçao Champalimaud.
12:30 Luncheon at Palácio Verride - Santa Catarina.
We thank Queen Mathilde of Belgium for gracing us with her visit and taking the time to sign our Book of Honour. #RoyalVisit #lisbon @visitportugal pic.twitter.com/JlqaVvECfI— Verride Sta Catarina (@VerrideSC) 24 oktober 2018
15:30 Visit to the Associação Cultural Moinho da Juventude - Cova da Moura.
🇵🇹🇧🇪 Een wel erg warm welkom voor koningin Mathilde in Alto da Cova da Moura, een buitenwijk in Lissabon. Knuffels en kussen van een bewoonster met Kaapverdische roots. #BelPort2018 pic.twitter.com/xHaNwmKkkK— [Wim Dehandschutter] (@WDehandschutter) 23 oktober 2018
The fight against poverty has long been one of Her Majesty's priorities. Belgian Godelieve Meerschaert founded Moinho da Juventude for the rehabilitation of the Cova da Moura neighbourhood, in the outskirts of Lisbon. She set up various social projects to enable local residents to improve their quality of life.
Mathilde was wearing the earrings she had received from the Portuguese President yesterday.
🇵🇹🇧🇪 Koningin Mathilde en kinderen: altijd een succesformule voor fotografen (ook als de kleintjes haar -ondanks herhaaldelijk aandringen- geen aandacht willen geven).— [Wim Dehandschutter] (@WDehandschutter) 23 oktober 2018
Mathilde is nu in Alto da Cova da Moura, een buitenwijk in Lissabon met een Creoolse gemeenschap. #BelPort2018 pic.twitter.com/8YFyreyUWR
20:00 Concert by Huelgas Ensamble and Cocktail Dinner offered by the Belgian King & Queen at the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
The Duke & Duchess of Bragança were again among the guests.
Wednesday 24 October 2018
9:00 Flight to Porto International Airport.
10:05 Arrival in Porto.
10:35 Visit to Porto City Hall.
11:40 Visit of the Museum Serralves.
12:40 Lunch with businessmen in Palacio da Bolsa hosted by Rui Moreira, Mayor of
Porto in presence of President Rebelo de Sousa.
video: https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2018/10/24/filip-en-mathilde-sluiten-staatsbezoek-aan-portugal-af/
Visit to the church of São Francisco.
15:00 Visit to the Universidade do Porto.
15:35 Closing session of the seminar Ocean Science for a Sustainable Blue Economy.
16:10 Closing of the seminar Perspective on the digital start up ecosystems in Portugal and Belgium.
16:25 Networking Cocktail.
16:45 Informal meeting with the Belgian Press.
Walk in historic Porto and along the Douro.
17:50 Flight from Porto Airport to Melsbroek Airport.
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