zondag 29 januari 2017

Private: Watching Ballet

28 January 2017

Radio presenter Kim Muylaert spotted Queen Mathilde on the first row in the audience at a ballet performance.

She probably came to see her daughter Elisabeth perform. 

vrijdag 27 januari 2017

Entourage: Court Ladies at a Charity Gala

At the end of 2016, Clotilde Boël and Melissa Maas both assisted at a gala night hosted by Count & Countess Boël. The funds that were collected are destined to help create a new cancer center at the Saint-Luc Hospital of Brussels, the "Albert II Institute" that will open its doors in 2019.

Also among the guests: interior designer Victoria-Maria Geyer and author Valentine de le Court.

woensdag 25 januari 2017

Pierre d'angle

25 January 2017

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde visited Pierre d'angle, a shelter for homeless persons in Brussels. 

The shelter can house up to 48 sleepers a night. The dinners are prepared by local volunteers.

They made this visit in the evening and stayed for an hour.

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zondag 22 januari 2017

New Family Photos

These were taken earlier, in July, October and December 2016.

Previously other photos from these series were released for Elisabeth's birthday and Christmas.

zaterdag 21 januari 2017

Flashback: Victoria's visit

Crown princess Victoria of Sweden visiting her goddaughter, Eléonore at the castle of Laken.

dinsdag 17 januari 2017

World Economic Forum 2017

16 January - 19 January 2017

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde participated in the Word Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland.

Monday 16 January 2017

Queen Mathilde attended the Crystal Awards Ceremony where her fellow SDG advocate Shakira was awarded for her work for UNICEF.

with former Danish PM and CEO of Save the Children International, Helle Thorning Schmidt and Philips CEO, Frans van Houten

With Muhammad Yunus.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Mathilde assisted at a panel discussion on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

And she had a meeting with ANIM (Afghanistan's National Institute of Music) on music education as a tool for girls' and young women's empowerment in Afghanistan.

Meeting with UN representative Shakira and Unesco representative Forest Whitaker.

Listening to the speech of Chinese president Xi Jinping.

In this video, Queen Mathilde talks about the SDGs.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

At the address of outgoing US Vice President Joe Biden.

Meeting with Irina Bokova, Director General of Unesco: they talked about education, prevention of violence and the protection of historic heritage in conflict zones.

At a Belgian Power reception.

With fellow SDG advocates.

Thursday 19 January 2017

With António Guterres, the new Secretary General of the UN.

With the founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab and King Philippe, during Theresa May's speech.

Returning home.

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