donderdag 29 september 2016

Adults with a Disability

29 September 2016

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde presided a round table talk at the Royal Palace on the daily challenges and expectations of adults with a disability and their close family.

woensdag 28 september 2016

MUN Society

28 September 2016

Queen Mathilde met with members of the MUN Society, students who participate in the Model United Nations, at the royal palace in Brussels. 

zaterdag 24 september 2016

Flashback: What Do You Think?

18 November 2009

For the 20th anniversary of the Universal Rights of the Child UNICEF Belgium presented a new report on children in Belgium, called "What do you think?" .

The presentation of the report took place at the Belgian Senate, in presence of Princess Mathilde.

donderdag 22 september 2016

Crown princess Elisabeth's birthmark

Had you noticed crown princess Elisabeth has a birthmark on her cheek?

It seems to be more visible in the summer months, while it's hardly noticeable in winter.

woensdag 21 september 2016

Actions in the Mediterranean

21 September 2016

At the Institut De Mot-Couvreur, Queen Mathilde met with students who have taken part in "Israël-Palestine: pour mieux comprendre", a project of the Belgian organization "Actions in the Mediterranean" (AIM) that aims to bring both communities closer together.

Lindsay Edwards acted as lady-in-waiting.

dinsdag 20 september 2016

Cold Blood

20 September 2016

Queen Mathilde went to see the theatre performance "Cold Blood" by Jaco van Dormael & Michèle Anne De Mey at KVS in Brussels.

Melissa Maas acted as lady-in-waiting.

 With the theatre's director, Michael De Cock

With the writers of the play, Jaco Van Dormael & Michèle Anne De Mey.

zondag 18 september 2016

Car Free Sunday 2016 + expo "Moi, Gustave Strauven"

18 September 2016

On this Car Free Sunday in Brussels, the Royal Family took out their bikes to go visit an exhibition on art nouveau architect Gustave Strauven at the Halles Saint-Géry, since it's also "Open Monuments Day" in the capital.

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