dinsdag 29 maart 2016

Another Visit to the Victims

29 March 2016

This morning King Philippe & Queen Mathilde visited the Jan Portaels Hospital in Vilvoorde, the Saint-Pierre Hospital in Brussels and the UZ Brussels Hospital in Jette.

They talked to victims of the terror attacks and to the medical personnel.

Among them was Walter Benjamin, who told his story on Facebook:

"Aujourd'hui j'ai eu l'Immense honneur et joie de rencontrer notre Roi Philippe et la Reine Mathilde à l'hopital. J'ai eu un long entretien avec Le Roi Philippe et la Reine Mathilde en privé. Tous les deux ont été à mon écoute. Ils m'ont posé bcp de questions. Grace à leur visite j'en ressors encore plus fort psychologiquement ils sont d'une Grande humanité. Mon sentiment d'avoir toujours soutenu la famille Royale s'est vérifié. Je ne vous dévoilerai pas l'ensemble de notre entretien. Par contre j'ai informé nos Souverains du désarroi et de ce sentiment d'Abandon de toute la communauté juive de Belgique. (...)"

Philippe & Mathilde spent 40 minutes with him.

Easter holidays at home

26 March 2016

After the terror attacks in Brussels, Queen Mathilde and her family cancelled their holiday plans. (A skiing trip had been planned for early April). They will remain in Belgium.

This weekend, Mathilde and one of her daughters were seen shopping at Zara in Brussels.

They were accompanied by various bodyguards.

The rest of the Easter weekend was spent in Knokke where the family was seen cycling and walking. Philippe also tried his hand at some kiteboarding.

zondag 27 maart 2016

Behind the Scenes: King Philippe's Speech

22 March 2016

The day the Brussels terror attacks took place, King Philippe addressed the nation in a brief speech at 19:00.

Autocue operator Anant Alsteens talked about the role Queen Mathilde played in the recording.

Queen Mathilde started cleaning up the King's office and arranged the setting, deciding what would be visible from the camera angle. She also put up the Belgian flag.

During the recording Mathilde advised her husband on changes, such as which words to stress.

donderdag 24 maart 2016

Center 112

25 March 2016

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde visited the dispatching centers of emergency number 112 in Brussels and Leuven. The call takers played a crucial role in helping the victims of the Brussels terror attacks earlier this week.

More Support for Brussels

24 March 2016

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde visited Gasthuisberg Hospital in Leuven where victims of the Brussels terror attacks are being treated.

They talked to victims and their relatives, and to the medical staff.

Trauma surgeon Stefan Nijs showed pieces of steel that were removed from the victims' bodies.

At 14:00 the Royal Couple took part in the National Homage at the Palais de la nation in Brussels.

woensdag 23 maart 2016

Victims of the Brussels Terror Attacks

23 March 2016

In the morning King Philippe & Queen Mathilde visited the Erasme Hospital in Anderlecht to be briefed about the victims of yesterday's terror attacks.

They were able to talk to some of the victims, behind closed doors.

At 12:00 the King and Queen observed a minute's silence at the European Commission in Brussels.

In the afternoon they visited Zaventem Airport where they talked to the help services and visited the crisis center.

There was also a briefing at the Military Hospital of Neder-Over-Heembeek where severely burnt victims are being treated.

Finally they visited Maelbeek Tube Station where 20 people were killed and many more severely injured.

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