donderdag 21 maart 2024

Conference on Women & Peace

21 March 2024

Queen Mathilde has participated in the seminar "24 ans de programme FPS : l’heure du pragmatisme" ("24 years of female, peace and safety policy, time for pragmatism") in Tournai.

At her arrival, Mathilde greeted Congolese Dr Denis Mukwege, to whom she has shown her suppport many times before.

The seminar was organized by the Royal Higher Institute for Defence, as part of the Belgian Presidency of the European Council.

Mathilde pronounced a speech.

"Inspirons-nous de l’exemple de l’hôpital Panzi et continuons à lutter pour un monde dans lequel les femmes ne connaîtront plus l’angoisse et la soumission."

Afterwards, Mathilde took the time to greet the school children and other locals who were waiting outside to see her.

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