donderdag 17 maart 2022

Fragile Youngsters + More Support for Ukraine

17 March 2022

Queen Mathilde hosted a round table at the Royal Palace in Brussels on the theme of the increased mental health problems among young people, as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic and the isolation due to various lockdowns. Mathilde's guest speakers were all youth magistrates. 

The same day Mathilde also made a visit to a Belgian-Ukrainian scouting group. The group had collected 45,000 euro to send humanitarian and medical support equipment to their home country. Mathilde wished to thank them in person for their efforts.

The images were made public during a national TV fundraiser for the Ukrainian refugees.

The same day, it also become clear that the King & Queen have asked the Royal Donation, who manage the royal properties, to prepare three apartments for Ukrainian families to be housed in. The families will be able to live there for free, for as long as is necessary. 

Previously Philippe & Mathilde have done the same, in all discretion, for victims of the July 2021 floods in Wallonia. Other apartments are rented to people on low incomes. 

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