woensdag 12 mei 2021

Business & Sustainability

11 May 2021

As SDG advocate, Queen Mathilde participated in an online cross-school event on Business and Sustainability organized by the Solvay School of Economics and Management.

"Let us look ahead beyond COVID, in spite of all the unknowns. We need to take action swiftly, in order to vigorously accelerate the implementation of the goals which the international community has set for itself. 

Why? Because we do not have much time, and COVID-19 has brought about new disruptions. The SDGs were adopted 5 years ago already. They should be implemented by 2030.

Remember - the world is very slow to react to alarm signals. Think of the famous report “The limits of growth”, an early warning on the risks of exceeding what we call today “the planetary boundaries”. It was published in 1972, almost 50 years ago. But, for a long time, nothing changed."

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