dinsdag 2 februari 2021

Residence: French Holiday Home

Because of a critical question posed by an opposition member at the local council of the French Ile d'Yeu it became clear that King Philippe & Queen Mathilde have bought a holiday home on the French island.

Philippe used the pseudonym "Philippe Legrand" to buy a derelict house in 2019 on the West side of the island. Renovations are taking place. 

A permit was also granted to enlarge an existing outbuilding by 10 m², bringing its total surface to 40 m². This building is meant for the royal family's protection staff and equipment. The permit was granted by the local council, based on a French legal prerogative for security reasons.

The Belgian royal family have been enjoying summer trips to the French island for over 10 years now, often with friends. So far they rented a holiday home from a Belgian owner.

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