dinsdag 5 januari 2021

Book: Prinsessen van België

Two Belgian journalists, Joëlle Vanden Houden & Brigitte Balfoort, have published a new book on the current princesses of Belgium.

The bulk of the book is about Crown Princess Elisabeth.

The other princesses who are mentioned in the book are:

Princess Marie Christine (daughter of Léopold III & princess Lilian)
Princess Esmeralda (daughter of Léopold III & princess Lilian)
Princess Astrid (King Philippe's sister)
Princess Laura (daughter of princess Astrid)
Princess Luisa (daughter of princess Astrid)
Princess Laetitia (daughter of princess Astrid)
Princess Claire (Prince Laurent's wife)
Princess Louise (daughter of prince Laurent & princess Claire)
Princess Eléonore
Princess Delphine (daughter of king Albert II & Sybille de Selys)

Interview with the authors, Joëlle Vanden Houden & Brigitte Balfoort: https://blauwbloed.eo.nl/artikel/2020/12/nieuw-boek-vertelt-over-alle-belgische-prinsessen

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