zaterdag 26 december 2020

2020: The Year That Was

It will come as no surprise to say that 2020 was the year of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus.

Apart from the numerous video calls with all segments of society and the working visits to hospitals and (secluded) institutions,  the Belgian royal family wholeheartedly showed their personal support to the medical professionals and to all those suffering from isolation and disease...

And as Mathilde put it to a fan while on a visit: "As long as we have to wear a face mask we may just as well be creative". A true word!

On a personal level 2020 must have been a turning point in Philippe & Mathilde's family life, with a house full of teenagers. 

Eléonore (12) started secondary school, Emmanuel (15) switched schools to the International School of Brussels, Gabriel (17) turned into a 2 meter tall fellow in front of our eyes and Elisabeth (19) impressed the country once again, this time by joining the military! 

As a little extra, the family got the company of their relative, Léopold de Nassau (20) who's living with them while studying in Brussels.

It seems a world away now, but at the start of 2020 there were still activities abroad for Queen Mathilde. In the first half of the year she visited 4 countries.

There was the annual visit to Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Fourum in January.

A week later Mathilde was in her mother's country Poland to pay homage to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

In February the King & Queen of the Belgians were at the UN in New York where Belgium started its non-permanent mandate on the Security Council.

And finally a part of the summer holidays were spent in France.

Can't wait to see what 2021 holds for Queen Mathilde & her family. Any predictions?

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