maandag 1 oktober 2018

Bruegel in Vienna

1 October 2018

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde made an official visit to Vienna, Austria where they opened a Bruegel Retrospective at the Kunsthistorisches Museum.

The King & Queen were received by President Van der Bellen at the Hofburg upon their arrival.

They also visited the Rathaus and the Nationalbibliothek, after a stroll through the Volksgarten.

In the National Library the Royal Couple were shown plans of their home, Laeken Castle. It was built in 1782 for Archduchess Marie Christine of Austria, who ruled the Northern and Southern Netherlands.

Conversation according to Belga photographer Maarten Weynants:
In de Nationalbibliothek in Wenen krijgen koning Filip & koningin Mathilde de plannen van het paleis van Laken te zien. 
Oostenrijkse president: “Nice little home”
Koning Filip: “Het spijt mij dit te moeten zeggen, maar het is nog veel groter. De vleugels staan er nog niet op.”

 Behind Mathilde: the Belgian ambassador in Austria, Ghislain d'Hoop who used to be one of Philippe's advisors.

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