donderdag 12 oktober 2017

Frankfurter Buchmesse 2017

12 October 2017

Queen Mathilde visited the Frankfurter Buchmesse in Germany where she met Belgian authors, artists and publishers.

France hosted the Buchmesse this year.

Before the visit, the Queen participated in a working lunch on the international success of Belgium's French literature.

Mathilde told illustrator Kitty Crowther that she'd read many of her books to the children.

"Cette année, la Buchmesse de Francfort parle français. Et tout le monde en parle…Mais Francfort « parle aussi le belge », et nous sommes réunis aujourd’hui pour célébrer la belle langue de notre pays." (...)

(...) "Je  suis très attachée à la littérature en général. Comme la musique, les livres sont  activement présents dans ma vie. Je dirais même qu’ils en sont indissociables. J’essaie donc de transmettre cette passion pour les livres à mes enfants. "

Mathilde was interviewed by a German child reporter of ZDF for TV show "Logo", in English.

Queen Mathilde explained that she reads together with her children, every day. Sharing literature is a way to discover new adventures and talk about emotions. Books have always been a part of her life, as a child she was fond of comic books, nowadays she loves novels and historical books. 

Are there times she doesn't feel a Queen? "When I'm at home I'm in the first place my husband's wife and the mother of 4 children. We spend a lot of time doing homework, activities and sports."

What would you choose: French fries or caviar? "Oh, that's so difficult, I really can't choose."

Beyoncé or Beethoven? "Beethoven is very important to me.

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