donderdag 28 januari 2016

Centrum voor Algemeen Welzijn

27 January 2016

Queen Mathilde visted the CAW (Center for General Welfare) in Brussels.

dinsdag 26 januari 2016

Diplomatic Contact Days 2016

26 January 2016

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde met the Belgian ambassadors at the royal palace.

Once a year all Belgian diplomats on a foreign mission return to Belgium for the Diplomatic Contact Days.

maandag 25 januari 2016

Family: a New Baby

22 October 2015

Mathilde's sister Countess Hélène d'Udekem and her husband, Baron Nicolas Janssen assisted at a charity gala for "Fetus for Life", a non profit organisation that collects funds to finance the medical care for unborn children with a health problem.

Hélène is expecting her third child.

zondag 24 januari 2016

Private: Zonnebeke

In the summer of 2014 these photos were made of Queen Mathilde, King Philippe and their children on a private visit to the town Zonnebeke.

They were accompanied by their niece & nephews: Louise, Aymeric and Nicolas.

vrijdag 22 januari 2016

Belgian & Dutch Royal Couple at EU concert

22 January 2016

King Willem-Alexander & Queen Maxima of the Netherlands hosted a concert at Bozar in Brussels, to mark the Dutch presidency of the European Union. They were joined by King Philippe & Queen Mathilde.

They were accompanied by Viscount Etienne Davignon.

Mathilde had an injured finger because of a splinter.

Lindsay Edwards acted as lady-in-waiting.

donderdag 21 januari 2016

World Economic Forum 2016

19 January 2016 - 21 January 2016

King Philippe and queen Mathilde were at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Mathilde assisted at 13 seminars that evolved around the protection of cultural heritage, health care, humanitarian aid and education.

19 January 2016

Queen Mathilde flew to Switzerland.

On the opening day of the Economic Forum she attended the "Crystal Awards" that recognize artists who show commitment to improving the state of the world.

with Ranil Wickremesinghe, PM of Sri Lanka

With US vice president Joe Biden

At another networking moment.

20 January 2016

Mathilde celebrated her 43rd birthday and was joined in Davos by her husband, King Philippe.

At the lecture "The Humanitarian Imperative: A Global, Regional and Industry Response".

A meeting with social entrepreneurs of the Schwab Foundation of which Mathilde is also a board member:

With UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova.

Dinner hosted by Klaus Schwab.

21 January 2016

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde attended the Belgian Power Breakfast.

Afterwards they met with UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon.

At the lecture "21st Century Dream".

Meeting other UN Sustainable Development Goals advocates.

with Dho Young-Shim & Jeffrey Sachs and UNESCO secretary general Irina Bokova.

Muhammed Yunus

 Paul Polman

Alaa Murabit, Muhammed Yunus & Jeffrey Sachs