dinsdag 21 juli 2015

National Day 2015

21 July 2015

In the morning, king Philippe, queen Mathilde and their 4 children assisted at the Te Deum at the Brussels Saints-Michel-et-Gudule cathedral.

About 1.500 people were waiting for them outside. 

Laurence de Ghellinck acted as lady-in-waiting.

At 15:15 the military parade at the Place des palais started.

Afterwards the king & queen made a visit to the Parc Royal. Because of an increased security alert they did not mix with the crowd this year, but stayed at a distance.

At night the king and queen came out again to watch the fireworks.

maandag 20 juli 2015

Prelude to the National Day 2015

20 July 2015

King Philippe & Queen Mathilde attended the traditional classical music concert at Bozar in Brussels, celebrating Belgium's National Day.

The royal couple was accompanied by lady-in-waiting Melissa Maas. Princess Astrid & Prince Lorenz were also at the concert.